The Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine’s vision is to create healthier lives for all by driving ultrasound excellence. Our mission is to foster a collaborative multi-disciplinary community of highly competent health professionals who deliver ultrasound excellence.

ASUM provides ongoing education, events and standards across all disciplines of diagnostic ultrasound. We recognise and acknowledge the many generous volunteers who enable ASUM to provide these essential resources to the broader ultrasound community to deliver quality patient care and outcomes.

Please select the category button for standards and policies relevant to categories presented below and standards can be searched via search box as well.


Standards of Practice - Directory

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There are currently 70 standards in this directory
Application Guidelines for Special Consideration and Arrangements
Download  education research grants-asum Examination, assessment, CCPU, DDU, CAHPU, DMU

ASA and ASUM joint Guidelines for Reducing Injuries to all Ultrasound Users
Download  safety-asum Musculoskeletal, WHS, WMSD

ASE Consensus Statement on Hypersensitivity Reactions to Ultrasound Enhancing Agents (2021)
Link  cardiac and lung-asum Anaphylaxis, allergy, polyethylene glycol, PEG, contrast, CEUS

ASUM Academic Misconduct / Plagiarism Policy
Download  education research grants-asum Appeals, penalties, integrity

ASUM Position Statement Minimum Education & Training Requirements for Ultrasound Practitioners
Link  education research grants-asum Competence, PoCUS, CCPU, DDU, CAHPU, DMU

ASUM Research and Grants Policy
Download  education research grants-asum Funding, award, eligibility criteria

Australian guideline for prevention, diagnosis and management of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease (3rd edition) 2020, issued by Rheumatic Heart Disease Australia (RHDA) (long version)
Link cardiac and lung-asum Infection, echocardiography, ARF,RHD

Australian guideline for prevention, diagnosis and management of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease (3rd edition) 2020, issued by Rheumatic Heart Disease Australia (RHDA) (short version)
Link  cardiac and lung-asum Infection, echocardiography, ARF, RHD

Code of Conduct
Download  code of conduct consent-asum Ethics, safety, professional practice, misconduct

Consent To Ultrasound Scanning For Teaching Purposes
Download  code of conduct consent-asum Informed consent, communication

COVID‐19: Infection prevention and control guidance for all ultrasound practitioners
Link  safety-asum Disinfection, cleaning, infection control, PPE

Definition of Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)
Download  emergency medicine POCUS-asum Comprehensive, limited, focused, diagnostic

Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Scheme Standards
Link  code of conduct consent-asum Quality, safety

Discussion Paper on Consent
Download  code of conduct consent-asum Informed consent, communication

Duplex Doppler Ultrasound Extracranial Carotid Artery Disease
Download  vascular-asum Stenosis, PSV,EDV

Education Protocol: Competences Required of Cardiac Sonographers Who Practice Adult Transthoracic Cardiac Ultrasound Examinations
Download  education research grants-asum Echocardiography, TTE

EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations on the Clinical Use of Liver Ultrasound Elastography
Download  abdominal-asum Fibrosis, hepatitis, SWE, SE

Endometriosis ultrasound worksheet
Download  obstetrics gynaecology-asum Women's health, uterus, adnexa

Fetal Heart Assessment During The 18-20 Week Anatomy Scan, issued by New Zealand Maternal Fetal Medicine Network and ASUM-NZ Branch (August 2014).
Download  obstetrics gynaecology-asum Fetal, cardiac, screening

Guidelines And Good Clinical Practice Recommendations For Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) In The Liver
Download  abdominal-asum Metastases, HCC, FNH, CEUS

Guidelines for Abdominal Ultrasound Examination
Download abdominal-asum Pancreas, liver, spleen, kidney, adrenal

Guidelines for Neurosonography in Infants
Download  paediatrics neonatal-asum Cranial, brain, meningitis, ischaemia, NICU

Guidelines for Parent-centred Communication in Obstetric Ultrasound
Download  Click here to watch the introduction to this guideline obstetrics gynaecology-asum Framework, terminology, strategy, training

Guidelines for Penile Colour Duplex Ultrasound Examination
Download  small parts-asum Men's health, erectile, dysfunction

Guidelines for Reprocessing Ultrasound Transducers
Link  safety-asum Disinfection, sterilisation, cleaning, infection control

Guidelines for the Operation of Vascular Ultrasound Practices
Download  vascular-asum Safety, equipment, report, procedure

Guidelines for the Performance of First Trimester Ultrasound
Download  obstetrics gynaecology-asum Safety, fetal, gestation, 1st first

Guidelines for the Performance of Scrotal Ultrasound
Download  small parts-asum Men's health, testicular, mass

Guidelines for the Performance of Second (Mid) Trimester Ultrasound
Download  obstetrics gynaecology-asum Fetal, anatomy, gestation, maternal, second, 2nd

Guidelines for the Performance of Third Trimester Ultrasound
Download  obstetrics gynaecology-asum Fetal, anatomy, growth, EFW, third, 3rd

Guidelines on Breast Ultrasound Examination and Reporting
Download  breast-asum Women's health, mass, lesion, cancer

Guidelines on the Performance of a Gynaecological Scan
Download  obstetrics gynaecology-asum Women\'s health, transvaginal, consent

Guidelines on the Performance of an Intracranial Cerebrovascular Ultrasound
Download  vascular-asum Transcranial, flow, velocity

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Care Clinical Care Standard, issued by Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (October 2017)
Link  obstetrics gynaecology-asum Women\'s health, transvaginal, transabdominal, uterus

Interpretation of peripheral arterial and venous doppler waveforms: A consensus statement from the Society for Vascular Medicine (U.S.) and Society for Vascular Ultrasound (U.S.) - Journal for Vascular Ultrasound
Link  vascular-asum PAD, stenosis, nomenclature

ISUOG Practice Guidelines: diagnosis and management of small-for-gestational-age fetus and fetal growth restriction (2020)
Download  obstetrics gynaecology-asum Fetal, biometry, EFW

ISUOG Safety Statement Endorsed by ASUM BMUS SCoR and SIEOG.
Download  ISUOG Safety Committee Position Statement on use of personal protective equipment and hazard mitigation in relation to SARS-CoV-2 for practitioners undertaking obstetric and gynaecological ultrasound. Released on 31 March 2020. obstetrics gynaecology-asum Infection control, COVID-19, disinfection, ventilation, PPE

New Zealand Obstetric Doppler Guideline issued by New Zealand Maternal Fetal Medicine Network (October 2015)
Download  obstetrics gynaecology-asum Fetal, UA, MCA, cerebroplacental, CPR

Normal Ultrasonic Fetal Measurements Standard
Download  obstetrics gynaecology-asum Gestation, fetal, growth, weight

NZ Medical Radiation Technologists Board Competence Standards for Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Practitioners in Aotearoa New Zealand (2018)
Link  education research grants-asum Competence, training, safety

Peripheral Venous Ultrasound
Download  vascular-asum Thrombosis, DVT, SVT, CVI

Policy on Diagnostic Ultrasound Services
Download  safety-asum Sonographer, equipment, guidelines, report

Policy on Scanning of Live Models on the Exhibition Floor During ASUM Events/Conferences
Download  education research grants-asum Safety, informed consent, infection control

Policy on Scanning of Live Subjects for Teaching Purposes at ASUM Events
Download  education research grants-asum Demonstrator, informed consent

Policy on Vaginal Scanning by Sonographers
Download  obstetrics gynaecology-asum Women's health, transvaginal, endovaginal, infection control

Position Statement on Recognition of Training and Qualifications
Download  education research grants-asum DMU, sonographer, assessment, RPL

Proficiency & Appropriate Use Statement for the Certificate in Clinician Performed Ultrasound (CCPU) Neonatal Ultrasound Modality
Download  emergency medicine POCUS-asum Skills, criteria, equipment, NICU

Recommendations for multimodality cardiovascular imaging of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Download  An update from the American Society of Cardiography, in collaboration with the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology, the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, and the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomographycardiac and lung-asum Echocardiography, HCM

Recommended Standards for the Performance of Transoesophageal Echocardiographic Screening for Structural Heart Intervention : from the American Society of Echocardiography
Link  cardiac and lung-asum Echocardiography, TEE

Safety Statement on Continuous Wave Doppler Fetal Monitoring
Download  safety-asum Neonatal, cardiac, safety

Small for Gestational Age and Fetal Growth Restriction in Aotearoa New Zealand. A clinical practice guideline: Summary of recommendations.
Download  obstetrics gynaecology-asum Fetal, growth, EFW

Standards of Practice in Paediatric Echocardiogaphy – Position Statement by The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand
Link  paediatrics neonatal-asum Echocardiography, training, CHD

Standards of Practice in Paediatric Echocardiography – Position Statement by the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand
Link cardiac and lung-asum Echocardiography, CHD

Statement on Doppler Ultrasound
Download  safety-asum Exposure, cardiac, fetal

Statement on Extracranial Cerebrovascular Ultrasound
Download  vascular-asum Stenosis, plaque, stroke, TIA

Statement on the Education, Training and Supervision of Trainee Sonographers
Download  education research grants-asum Qualification, accreditation, supervisor

Statement on the Peripheral Arterial Ultrasound
Download  vascular-asum Stenosis, plaque, PAD

Statement on the Practice of Ultrasound by Sonographers
Download  education research grants-asum Training, supervision, accreditation, ethics, CPD

Statement on the Use of Ultrasound by Medical Practitioners
Download  education research grants-asum CCPU, DDU, training, PoCUS, CPD

Statement on the Use of Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Developmental Hip Dysplasia and Dislocation
Download  paediatrics neonatal-asum DDH, morphology, anatomy

Statement on Ultrasound and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Download  safety-asum Obstetrics, fetal, genetics

Statement on Use of “Superficial Femoral Vein” Term
Download  vascular-asum Nomenclature, thrombosis

Statement relating to Management of Vasa Praevia, issued by The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Link  obstetrics gynaecology-asum Fetal, placenta, umbilical cord, screening

The Third Trimester Fetal Growth Scans Reporting Template, endorsed by ASUM, RANZCOG (Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists) and RANZCR (Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists)
Download  obstetrics gynaecology-asum Fetal, anatomy, growth, EFW

Visceral Vascular Testing Using Ultrasound
Download  vascular-asum Stenosis, plaque, renal, hepatic, transplant

WFUMB Clinical Safety Statement for Diagnostic Ultrasound – An overview
Link  safety-asum Exposure, bioeffects

WFUMB Policy on Live Scanning at Commercial Exhibitions
Link  code of conduct consent-asum Exhibitor, safety, education

WFUMB Recommendations on Non-medical Use of Ultrasound
Link  safety-asum Exposure, bioeffects

WFUMB/ISUOG Policy Statement on Souvenir Imaging of the Fetus
Link  safety-asum Exposure, bioeffects, obstetrics

WFUMB/ISUOG Statement on the Safe Use of Doppler Ultrasound During 11-14 week scans (or earlier in pregnancy)
Link  safety-asum obstetrics gynaecology-asum Exposure, bioeffects, obstetrics