ASUM Research Grants
The Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine provides research grant funding of up to $20,000 annually. These grants are available to researchers who have been members of ASUM for at least the two years prior to application.
1 June | Expressions of Interest (EOI) applications open |
1 September | Expressions of Interest (EOI) close |
30 September | EOIs evaluated and Full Applications invited |
30 October | Full Applications close |
15 December | Successful applicants contacted |
Mid-February | First instalment paid (40% of award) |
Mid-June | Progress report due and second installment paid (30% of award) |
September/October | Presentation at the ASM and final installment paid (remainder 30% of award) |
Submission of manuscript to AJUM once research study has been complete |
Please refer to the ASUM Research Grants policy for more information.
- Opens 1 June
- Closes 1 September
- Full applications will be invited from successful EOI applicants
ASUM continues to invest in ultrasound research to drive quality health outcomes for all. Congratulations to Assoc Prof Jillian Clarke, who, along with her research team, has been awarded the ASUM Research Grant 2024. We look forward to learning more as their research develops and outcomes are shared at the annual ASUM Conference.
Assoc Prof Jillian Clarke and her team aim to improve diagnostic proficiency in breast ultrasound through their project ‘ULTRA_BREAST: Enhancing Diagnostic Proficiency in Breast Ultrasound.’
(Left to right) Prof Sarah Lewis, Assoc Prof Jillian Clarke, Dr Yun Trieu
Congratulations to A/Prof George Condous and Robyn Boman, who were awarded the ASUM Research Grant for 2023
A/Prof George Condous
(Left to Right) Robyn Boman (main photo), Professor Roy Cheung, Dr Stefania Penkala, Associate Professor Rosa Chan, Associate Professor Fredrick Joshua
Congratulations goes to Arun Sett and Nathan Peters who have been awarded the ASUM Research Grant for 2022.
Arun and the clinical research team endeavour to determine ‘Can point of care ultrasound predict extubation failure in preterm infants? A prospective observational study (EXODUS: EXtubation Of preterm infants: the Diagnostic Utility of ultraSound)’
Nathan Peters and research team research ‘Non-inferiority of low-level versus high-level disinfection for elimination of bacteria on contaminated transcutaneous ultrasound transducers: A randomised controlled trial.’

Nilkant Phad, Koert de Waal, Edward Crendal(left to right)
Congratulations goes to Koert de Waal who has been awarded the ASUM Research grant for 2021. Koert and the clinical research team at the John Hunter Hospital project to determine “How intracardiac blood flow patterns determine the development of the preterm heart.”
Sandhir Prasad, John Atherton and William Parsonage
Serial evaluation of advanced echocardiographic parameters during healthy pregnancy – a prospective observational cohort study
Robert Gibson, Wayland Wang. Paul Simkin, Siggarth Sood, Beng Ghee Lim, Damien Stella and Suong Le
Evaluation of ultrasound shear-wave elastography and attenuation imaging of the liver – a prospective comparison with MRI elastography and proton-density fat fraction
Sonja Brennan, Yogavijayan Kandasamy, David Watson, Donna Rudd and Michal Schneider
The renal parenchyma – Evaluation of a novel ultrasound measurement to assess fetal renal development
George Ntoumenopoulos, Hergen Buscher and Louise Hansell
Ability of diagnostic lung ultrasound to predict duration of ventilation in the critically ill patient
Alison Lee-Tannock and Dr Sailesh Kumar
Characterisation of Fetal, Neonatal and Childhood cardiac function in fetuses at risk of cardiac dysfunction.
Assoc Prof James Rippey, Dr Jason Scop and Dr Ian Gawthrope
The Practice and Impact of subspecialist Emergency Physician sonologists (DDU) in a Tertiary Emergency Department.
Larissa Bligh and Dr Sailesh Kumar
Development of a screening test for intrapartum fetal compromise using the fetal cerebroplacental ratio (CPR) and maternal PIGF levels.

Research project title: Antenatal screening for intrapartum fetal compromise in low risk women.
Awarded in 2015 for: $20,000
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Dr Nilkant Phad and Dr Koert de Waal
Comparison of common methods of left ventricular volume quantification in preterm infants.
Dr Stefan Kane and Professor Shaun Brennecke
Maternal ophthalmic artery Doppler waveform analysis in the assessment and management of pre-eclampsia

A consultant obstetrician undertaking subspecialist training in maternal fetal medicine at the Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne.
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Associate Professor Donna Taylor, Dr James Seow and Dr Deepthi Nanayakkara
Ultrasound visible breast biopsy markers: Can these be used for preoperative ultrasound guided lesion localisation?
Assoc Prof Konstantin Yastrebov, Prof Anthony McLean and Prof John Myburgh
CHAISE study: Comparative Haemodynamic Assessment: InvaSive and Echocardiographic techniques.
Research project title: Comparative Haemodynamic Assessment: InvaSive and Echocardiographic techniques (CHAISE)
Awarded in 2013 for: $20,000
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Dr Fabricio da Silva Costa and Dr Padma Murthi
First and second trimester prediction of pre-eclampsia.
Jenni Sanderson and Prof Alec Welsh
Application of Spatio-temporal Imaging Correlation (STIC) to the placenta and fetal kidney to evaluate perfusion using novel volumetric pulsatility indices.
Dr Timothy Schindler and Prof Alec Welsh
Fractional Moving Blood Volume (FMBV) using Doppler images as a measure of cerebral perfusion in the neonate.
Kate Russo, Prof Jon Hyett, Dr Peter Muller and Dr Rosalie Grivell
Ultrasound assessment of maternal cardiac function as a predictive tool for pre-eclampsia.
Prof Alec Welsh
Fetal cardiovascular evaluation after maternal betamethasonevs dexamethasone administration.
Dr Mate Rudas
Echocardiographic evaluation of the haemodynamic effects of PEEP adjustment in patients with acute lung injury in the ICU.