DDU Certification Register

The ASUM DDU Certification Register recognises our dedicated members who have demonstrated a commitment to the practise of ultrasound, by initially completing the Diploma of Diagnostic Ultrasound (DDU) as well as those who continue to meet the recertification requirements every four years. Recertification is intended to reaffirm a practitioner’s standing as a leader in his or her specialty and demonstrates that the practitioner is continuing to practice in the relevant area of study, thus maintaining currency with the knowledge and practical experience required to maintain competency.

This register is correct as of 16 December 2024. The register is updated yearly.

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There are currently 34 people in this directory containing the search term Emergency Medicine. Clear results.
Baker, Kylie Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Kylie Baker

Bogseth, Michael Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Michael Bogseth

Brady, Robyn Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Robyn Brady

Bridgford, Lindsay Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Lindsay Bridgford

Church, Rohan Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Rohan Church

Elgafi, Sharif Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Sharif Elgafi

Feeny, Patrick Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Patrick Feeny

Flynn, James Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine James Flynn

Goudie, Adrian Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Adrian Goudie

Hartnett, Leanne Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Leanne Hartnett

Jowitt, Tom Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Tom Jowitt

Jutsum, Katherine Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Katherine Jutsum

Kennedy-Smith, Elissa Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Elissa Kennedy-Smith

Kohrs, Dieter Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Dieter Kohrs

Leong, Wanqing Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Wanqing Leong

Lokuge, Amaali Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Amaali Lokuge

Loubser, Jacques Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Jacques Loubser

Manivel, Vijay Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Vijay Manivel

Mattick, Anthony Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Anthony Mattick

Mirmiran, Seyed Behzad Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Seyed Behzad Mirmiran

Moseley, Christopher Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Christopher Moseley

Murray, Alistair Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Alistair Murray

O'brien, Adam Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Adam O'brien

Othman, Mohd Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Mohd Othman

Pandithage, Nadi Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Nadi Pandithage

Payinda, Gary Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Gary Payinda

Phillips, Samuel Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Samuel Phillips

Prince, Gaynor Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Gaynor Prince

Scop, Jason Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Jason Scop

Snelling, Peter Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Peter Snelling

Stace, Susan Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Susan Stace

Toffoli, Andrew Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Andrew Toffoli

Yee, Kenny Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Kenny Yee

Zollo, Cristina Dr.
DDU Emergency Medicine Cristina Zollo